JICA Program Field Day (August 17)

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Tsukuba Center’s FY2021 Program “Improvement of Rice Cultivation Techniques (B)” is holding at JICA and T-PIRC farms. On August 17, 2022, Field Day was held and progress of the program was introduced. In the morning session, technical participants gave their presentations on the program at the JICA Tsukuba Center, followed by an explanation and Q&A session in the field. In the afternoon session, the meeting moved to T-PIRC farm for an explanation and Q&A session in the paddy field, and lastly, a review by Training Advisor was given. Academic Advisors for training, Training Instructors, JICA training staff, teachers and Technical Official from the T-PIRC farm, and students from the College of Agro-Biological Resource Sciences participated in the event and actively asked questions to the technical participants.

Tour of T-PIRC farm paddy field

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